Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Cuts and crackdowns...

Reading about the Immigration Minister's plans to "crackdown" on bogus students from non-EU countries coming to stay in the UK and insisting that research has revealed "unpleasant" abuse of the system. How are we supposed to decode the use of that word?
It's a worrying use of a very, very loaded word in the context given. I can't honestly say my experience of life in general, or at college needed any kind of crackdown. I find myself wondering exactly what people like Damian Green actually see when they walk down the road? Presumably the streets around Whitehall and Westminster are even more full of white, British people than the ones I walk on, which seem pretty full of white, British people to me.

I found this word curious as well... "That's clearly an area where the current system is too generous."

Generosity seems to be the one thing this coalition is intent on showing absolutely no sign of. Unless you are a banker, of course.